Niros has reached level 121 (average EXP a day: 10.7%).
Archy (#63) has disappeared from the ranking.
Quiver has appeared on the ranking (#63).
Solea (#100) has disappeared from the ranking.
Snaily has appeared on the ranking (#99).
Ojciected has reached level 123 (average EXP a day: 4.5%).
Drehhut has reached level 122 (average EXP a day: 9.4%).
POLPOL (#100) has disappeared from the ranking.
Solea has appeared on the ranking (#100).
Snaily has reached level 120 (average EXP a day: 2.5%).
No feeds for this day
No feeds for this day
Asakura (#100) has disappeared from the ranking.
SoftDong has appeared on the ranking (#100).
zig has reached level 127 (average EXP a day: 6.6%).
Solea has reached level 120 (average EXP a day: 4.7%).
No feeds for this day
HighHopes has reached level 121 (average EXP a day: 18.2%).
Spirez has reached level 123 (average EXP a day: 5%).
SoftDong (#90) has disappeared from the ranking.
Asakura has appeared on the ranking (#100).
Furion has reached level 123 (average EXP a day: 3.8%).
Asakura (#100) has disappeared from the ranking.
SoftDong has appeared on the ranking (#87).
YGhost has reached level 124 (average EXP a day: 22.2%).
DarkCloud (#65) has disappeared from the ranking.
SoftDong (#87) has disappeared from the ranking.
Asakura has appeared on the ranking (#99).
Shudown has appeared on the ranking (#100).
Shudown (#100) has disappeared from the ranking.
SoftDong has appeared on the ranking (#98).
SoftDong (#98) has disappeared from the ranking.
UGx has appeared on the ranking (#99).
Auriel has reached level 121 (average EXP a day: 5.6%).
UGx has reached level 120.
Asakura (#100) has disappeared from the ranking.
Shudown has appeared on the ranking (#100).
Shudown has reached level 120 (average EXP a day: 3.3%).
MoDa has reached level 124 (average EXP a day: 13.9%).
proFutrzak (#94) has disappeared from the ranking.
Lv (#100) has disappeared from the ranking.
Quiver (#63) has disappeared from the ranking.
SoftDong has appeared on the ranking (#96).